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Fashion is ART 2020

  • Tacoma Art Museum (map)

Fashion is ART showcases fashion designers and their unique skills as a form of artistic expression. This is a non-traditional fashion show and can be viewed as a “fashion art happening” where we will display the garments in unique ways to showcase Fashion is ART and Art is Fashion. This event showcases designers and artists as we put them both on display to create a live fashion art gallery.


Fashion is ART will be held on Saturday, March 28th from 6:30 pm - 10: 30 pm at the Tacoma Art Museum. The event doors will open at 6:30 pm, we will have a live DJ and red-carpet photos available before the show. The event will start promptly at 7:15 pm.

Event Schedule:

  • 6:30 pm    Event Doors Open & Pre-Show Red Carpet Photos

  • 7:15 pm    Fashion Show

  • 9:30 pm    After-party at the venue (Tacoma Art Museum)

  • 10:30 pm  Event Ends

Attendees should dress impress in evening attire, semi-formal attire, and/or cocktail attire.

Fashion is ART is produced by Fashion District NW for information about the company, please go to If you have any questions, please email

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